Patrick Troughton

1966 - 1969

If there ever was a reason I wanted to put these books together, it was because of the Patrick Troughton era. For some reason I find his first two seasons very dark and mysterious and the Radio Times pages seem to encapsulate this. When I first started collecting a little more seriously in 2010, it was The Power of the Daleks RT that kicked it all off. I bought it off ebay, framed, for £50! Imagine that now. This period saw an immense change in popular culture and television, and the design of the RT was struggling to keep up. The RT of 1966 was very different to that of 1969, and that’s not even taking into account the huge redesign that was to come under Geoffrey Cannon and David Driver.

Authenticity is a challenging thing. I’ve tried to be as true as possible to the original sources, but sometimes certain stories demanded more, especially in Troughton’s final season when RT coverage seemed to drop off a cliff. The designer in me had to embellish on these moments of dullness using other sources (see the ‘Cybermen Invade’ RT above) so I apologise to the purists, but hopefully it’s very clear what is original and what is not.